Well I cannot believe that it is this time of year again. I love Thanksgiving. It is probably my favorite Holiday. I love being together with my family. We had a great time again this year. We ate lunch with GG and supper with Nanny & Pop. We celebrated as well with all of our siblings and their kids. We are such a blessed nation. God has blessed both sides of our families so much. We are all so thankful to be together again this year.
As for Black Friday - I was sooo exhausted.!!!! Myself, my sister and my mom went shopping together on Black Friday. We headed out around 3:30 a.m. and shopped literally until we dropped around 3:00 p.m. We stopped only for minutes to get a Starbucks coffee & cider around 5:30 and then around 12:30 we stopped for lunch at Olive Garden. One of all of our favorite restuarants. We had a wonderful day together!! Looking forward to going again next year. Oh BTW, we did find some really great deals if you are interested in that. However, the time we spend together meant much more!!!! Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!
hey mom get on your blog more often